Change = Always Imminent

Nov 16, 2005 00:01

Ahhh, I'm feeling particularly verbose tonight.

You poor bastards.

The past few days have been, well....there. Sunday night, Tim and I were called out and subsequently defeated by Dodds and Michelle in a brutal game of Trivial Pursuit. The score was only 6 pie pieces to 5, so it wasn't a complete facial, but the pride was most certainly wounded. Maybe next time I won't drink so much PBR while playing...haha. Savor the flavor, kids...that doesn't happen often.

Then yesterday I hung out with Sean and Cowdrick. Good to see those guys again after a little abscence. After grabbing some Taco Bell and watching a little bit of the final shows of the World Series of Poker, we popped in John Woo's the Killer and jammed that until about 8 pm. Afterwards we partook of some HALO 2 goodness and played until WWE RAW came on at 9.

Watching the tribute to Eddie Guerrero last night left me with a deep sense of somber respect. It was great to see everybody remembering such a great wrestler and human being. By that same token, it was difficult watching them break down while discussing what impacts Eddie had had upon their careers and lives. It was extremely well-done and I tip my hat to the McMahons for putting together something worthy of Eddie's legacy.

After RAW ended, Matt and I basically bummed around Sean's house until about 1, and then we decided we should probably cut out for the night. I got home and stayed up until about 5 am. Nothing new there, eh?

Lately, I constantly find myself in protracted thought concerning my perceived academic shortcomings.

More specifically, I think about my history in educational pursuits and wonder if it's all been for nothing. The reputation I had built up over the years as somebody who was "incredibly intelligent" is slowly crumbling away; that's the way it feels to me, anyway. It seems like all my professional aspirations have been chop-blocked at some juncture or another by one or more factors. Failure is frustrating to most people, but even more-so for yours truly when I know I'm good enough and it doesn't come through.

Aggravating is an understatement.

I haven't really had anything extraordinary going on in my life as of late except picking up more hours at work trying to secure some medical insurance. Speaking of Walgreens, I think my time there may be dwindling down as I research new career opportunities. As I write, I'm in the process of formulating my CV to submit to pharmaceutical companies in order to try and find a position as a drug rep.

Seeing as how the holidays are rapidly approaching, I'm already jotting down ideas for New Year's Resolutions

I'm kicking around a few goals for next year:

1. Campaign aggressively to try and put together a hefty down payment for a residence of my own.
2. Reduce my alcohol consumption to 1-2 designated days per month.
3. Exercise more fiscal responsibility and secure medical insurance.

That's a good starting lineup, I think.

Thanksgiving's already next week. And I work 8-3. How lame. At least I'll get to spend the evening with my family. Maybe I can talk them into holding off dinner until 4 pm this year. After Thanksgiving, then it's onto all the Christmas malarkey, and then New Years celebrations....and thennnnn:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Hell of Michigan Winter.

As always, feel free to comment. Best of luck with everything you undertake during this busy holiday season, my friends!

Have yourselves a good evening.


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