Title: [untitled]
Fandom: Incredible Hulk (TV)
Category & Rating: gen, PG
Word count: 183
Notes: Just a bit of playing with the Incredible Hulk TV show -- in my head, it's darker and sadder and the bad guys did not always get thrown harmlessly into a pile of cardboard boxes. Nor did the good guys.
More notes: In the TV show, he's David Bruce Banner and goes by his first name. (Among many other differences, apparently.) Also, he actually has a fairly nice leather bag. I am ignoring this.
Even more notes: A million thanks to
tinzelda for the beta and the encouragement!
He finds the satchel in a charity store in Fargo. Smooth brown leather, heavy and well made. The brass hardware and double stitching look like they could survive anything. Today is half-off day and the satchel is two dollars.
Outside, he transfers his gear: spare clothes (not a luxury), toothbrush, razor, a canteen of water and a washcloth. A paperback of Travels with Charley that keeps shedding pages.
A kid takes it from him at the shelter in Rochester. He’s a sneering, skinny punk with the one thing David can’t have: two friends to back him up. Magnanimous, the kid dumps David’s belongings out on the floor before he goes. David stoops to pick them up and ignores the boys’ scoffing. He puts his things inside his pillowcase until he can find a shopping bag. Let it go. Let it go!
He comes to in an alley with his arms wrapped around the satchel and his shirt in tatters around him. There’s a smear of blood on his forearm.
He throws the bag away. After that he doesn’t try to keep nice things.