Geeky, or just a good memory?

Mar 18, 2010 06:41

So I was reading this column yesterday and I saw this quote:

"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. "

I thought, "Wow, that sounds really familiar. Where have I heard that before?" After some pondering I recalled where I had heard it, and in fact I HAD heard it. It wasn't something I read. I'll let you ponder for a bit to see if you can come up with it. No googling. That would be cheating.
Come up with it yet? It's a Quote from Spock to Stonn (the guy his betrothed wanted) during the Star Trek episode "Amok Time". Now, I've seen that episode maybe twice in my life, and the last time was more than a dozen years ago. Under normal circumstances I have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast last week. Am I a real big Trek geek, or just lucky?
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