{ Filtered to the 4423 }

Dec 13, 2009 01:43

Alright, listen up. Whatever the heck it is you're all doing right now, stop it. We're gonna be bringing on a bunch of passengers on board, so be ready for everything to get a little crowded.

Kensei and Reno, scout the area as much as you think you need to, but get back here sooner rather than later so you can help out with the loading. You're not gonna be much use flying around if you can't even load more than a few people onto your planes. That, and planes buzzing by might scare the shit outta them.

If any of you think you're capable of hauling people up on ropes, I suggest you get up to the deck. It's gonna get tiring, but someone's gotta do it, and fast. Anybody else, make sure you're heading down to the cargo bay. We should get as many people in there as we can, and you need to keep them from getting lost or heading down by the rooms. Keep an eye on them so there isn't any more chaos than we've already got.

Penelo and Mamma, do you think you could hang around down there in case anyone's got any injuries?

time to do my job, this got way long

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