Just a quick note

May 28, 2003 19:48

Cannot say much, I am rather busy. Only I felt I needed to record the events at the haunted house.

It turns out it was not really haunted at all, the whole thing was, in fact, an elaberate form of pretence aimed to encourage more people to visit the planet. A most unusual way of encouraging visitors I must say.

Anyway, as we were entering through a side window, with Turlough in front, a local inhabitant appeared from behind us wearing a strange white mask and carrying what appeared to be a large knife. He screamed at us for a bit causing Joe and I to back against the wall uncertainly and I was just searching for a suitable weapon and wishing I hadn't left my cerimonial dagger in the TARDIS when our 'attacker' grabbed hold of Mel. I suppose he must have mistakenly thought, that because of her youthful appearence she was the weakest of us. He soon realised his mistake however, as her piercing screams quite put his to shame and while he was distracted Tegan showed great presence of mind by whipping his mask off, while I took the oppurtunity to disarm him.

As we got to talking it soon transpired he was not attempting to attack us at all but instead his stunt was an attempt to promote the house, which the others later entered through the main enterance and found quite enjoyable so I gather. The man, whose name was Bob, turned out to be quite a gentleman at heart and was particularly taken by Jo, possibly because she was the only one of us who did not attempt to harm him in any way...

Still, I digress. The reason I cannot stay for much longer is because I am currently attending to Turlough. Since he was leading, he was already inside the house when Bob 'attacked' us and, upon hearing the screams, it would seem that he apparently made a dash for it down a near by corridor, only, not looking where he was going, he must have crashed into one of the suits of armour lined along the walls. Some other workers in the house found him unconscious, the armour lying on top of him. With the others help I managed to get him back to my room.

He does not seem badly hurt, although he does have rather a large bruise on his forhead. Hopefully he will recover shortly...wait...I think that is him waking up now, I must go...
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