Recently, a group of modders have made a skin mod for the hugely popular MMORPG "WORLD OF WARCRAFT". Well, this mod is something that is very interesting. It is called WoP "World of Porncraft". The new skin removes all of the females clothing in WoW. I am going to put it into my computer and see how it goes. I will come back shortly to let you know how it went.
Just a few minutes after I posted - I have yet to be able to find the COMPLETE mod pack. I will post after I find it. I currently have the scourge. In the mean-time... ENJOY!!!!!
Third entry of the day -
Okay, still no luck on any other packs, but if anyone can find them. PLEASE POST THE LINK IN LEAVE A COMMENT! I'll share what I have ATM. Also, I have found a few other things to entertain a few. (How I found out about WoP) (Pics of the skins)
OH AND BTW! VICOTRY FOR SYLVANIAS!!!! WE NOW HAVE NUDE UNDEAD!!! Anyone up for a good game of Necrophelia?