Charles Manson. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!! At a height of
only 5 foot 5 inches, you are living proof that
short people kill people! Not only that, you're
still alive meaning pretty much that you got
away with LOTS of murders. Still, living in
jail for more than half of your life and being
stuck in a mental hospital for a while has
turned your brain into sushi! Not that you
weren't pretty nuts to begin with! But hey. you
managed to get a lot of followers who seriously
love you, even today there are people who carve
that swastika into their foreheads and think
you'll be coming out to save us all (you know,
the one you did back-to-front because you were
doing it in the mirror?!). You are the criminal
mastermind who can manipulate people to do your
bidding! Pitty you'll be in jail all your life.
But hey, at least you havn't been executed yet,
thats gotta count for something! And you are
Jesus after all...and Satan.... and God... well
i'm sure you'll make up your mind which one you
are sooner or later! Words of advice.. don't
try to get yur friends to kill for you!!
Serial Killers.. Which one would you be!! (PICS!!!) brought to you by