Ohhhhh...gotta love this comment:
"...guess its hard when both your friends are practically married. But then again, if we were single then it would just be competition"
wtf? Why the hell do people even think in these terms? Listen, I get it..I'm second choice in most situations! Thus my life.
One comment is true though, its hard to meet people when all I hang out with are couples who don't do activities that help me meet people (and a club isn't a place you meet people).
I just want to meet someone I can be attracted to and respect at the same time. Or admire. Definitely like that verb. It's hard to look at people I can't respect or admire.
the only thing going for me is my art. It's really all I have. I don't get relationships. I have a few friends (and I am lucky I have that). That is it. My art and my loneliness. It's the only "connection" I get to have. So The next time something great happens with my art or I am able to feel some kind of connection, instead of this empty void, with viewers and my art I am going to freaking grab hold of it and enjoy feeling it(the only feeling I freaking get to absorb this world. I get maybe..what..two days within a month? and people in relationships get..80% within a month?).