Oct 05, 2007 18:19
Ok...a bit late with this report, but I will try to remember everything I can for it....here we go!!!!
First off...WOW WHAT A CON! That was the best con to date! I had so much fun! ^_^
Thursday: It was rainign on the drive up and we went east instead of west on I-275, but we still got there before Pre-Registration closed. So i was happy for that. We got our badges and they were SO CUTE this year! And our book and went to check in. NO PROBLEMS! I almsot died when I didn't have a problem checking in. After last year's hell I was certain something was going to be messed up. But nope. He swiped my card and called housekeeping for our extra pillows and fridge. We had a FREAKIN' FRIDGE n our room. ti was so sweet! Then we went and got some dinner from Jock and Jills. Ok...learned my lesson about trying something new. Shouldn't do it when you are REALLY hungry. The waiter was nice though. he saw Paul and I didn't eat our meal and took half off on it. We gave him what he took off on it in his tip, plus some. He was really sweet. Then...sleep...cause a day witht he kids (screaming and yelling and cursing me for going to anime con) and then the drive wore me out. ^_^
Friday: I got up early to go register for the costume contest and to turn in Link to the Artist Auction. They were having some sort of Lumberjack convention in the center with our anime convention. it was highly amusing. I started out in my Saber outfit, mainly because I wasn't ready to change into Omi yet. Poor Omi got little love from myself and Mara this weekend. More on that later. So I'm walkign around tryng to find the registration for the costume contest and I accidently go into the lumberjack area. Here is Saber...with her sword...surrounded by guys in suits. They asked me what was going on and why people were dressed up. I told them it was an anime convention this weekend. They were like..."an...i....me?" I wanted to laugh, but I didn't. I found my room, registered after getting the picture from Mara...and it was an AWESOME Picture! It looked so much better in person. There was a small "freakout" moment when the girl in charge said that Original costumes couldn't enter the competition. Luckly, someone who knew what they were doing set her straight. I was ready to cry after spending all that time on that damn dress.
After that it was over to the Artist Auciton to turn in Link. I had shown him off to a few people and they were very impressed. It made me feel good with the amount of work I put into him. I'll be honest and say I was not pleased with the outcome. The top of the quilt was great, but putting the back on was not. I was not happy with it and would be happy with just getting it to sell for any price. I didn't have any problems turning in Link. And he was located at the very back in the center of the room. So if you looked in the room there was Link! He looked so good back there. ^_^ More on him later.
After turning in Link I walked around, helped Mara unpack and set up. I sat with her for a few minutes and visited. I miss them so much! I wish we could all get together more than just at con!I went and met Greg Aryers, who is cool and had a cool time meeting him. The other people at the table with him had time to leave voice messages on my LJ. ^_^ If you haven't listened to them, go listen, they are really cool! Greg was going to leave one, but he turned off my phone at the end instead of letting me save it. Oh well...not everyone knows how to opperate a cell phone. ^_^
Then it was the Fate/Stay Night Photoshoot. It was alright. For the longest time it was just me and Paul. We had a few people want pictures with us. Then we found a Rin and got some pictures with her. We walked around artists alley and got a commissioned piece ordered and THEN we found the rest of our group. We went out into the gardens and did a few pictures, but nothing really too big. We couldn't think of anything with two archers, two sabers and a Rin. It lasted about 15 minutes. About the normal lenght of a photoshoot. Then Paul went back to his gaming corner and I wondered off to change into Omi. Omi lasted for about...3 hours before I changed out of him and got ready for the DN Angel photoshoot.
Before that photoshoot was AMV Hell. We got to the room about an hour before the