Title: 5 Times Colonel Mace Didn't Ask Marian To Marry Him And One Time He Did (3/6)
Pairing: Mace/Price, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13, Fluff!
Disclaimer: Doctor Who, UNIT, Torchwood and any other part of the Whoniverse is not mine. It all belongs to the BBC.
A/N: Episode 3. Now featuring Torchwood!
Summary: Exactly what the title says, and you can make up your mind as to which situation is the one time that he did...
“And with that I would like to conclude the Annual UNIT/Torchwood conference by offering everyone a safe journey, which is hopefully, alien free.”
There were a few titters of laughter from the fellow members of UNIT, the representatives from Torchwood were frowning up at him, other than the two from Cardiff. And then Colonel Mace sat down and the after dinner drinks were handed out, white wine for the ladies, and whiskey for the gentlemen. There was the occasional swap between male and female, those with a preference for a stiff drink or those whom fancied something more soothing.
“I’m glad that’s over.” Marian muttered over to him, and the Colonel nodded drinking his own whiskey.
Marian sipped at her wine slowly, enjoying the mellow taste.
“I’m defiantly glad it’s over. And I for one cannot wait to get back home.”
They had been at the conference for over two weeks, and having to spend so long acting strictly professional had made them both feel limited and separate from each other. They had been give separate rooms and although they were allowed to spend time together UNIT’s unspoken rule that you did not partake in inter-rank relationships was starting to get a little louder, from the higher ups. And so, they were both pleased that they would be going home, now that they both thought of it as home, straight after this.
They were sitting at the top table, not quite alone, but far enough apart from the other heads of the departments so that they couldn’t hear what was being said between the lovers.
Mace knocked back his whiskey and turned to face Marian.
“Will you marry me?”
And as Marian turned to him, gently placing the wine glass on the table, the majority of the hall did as well.
“Yes, of course yes.” Her reply was almost a gasp, quiet, as if not to attract the attention of the hall any more.
However it was too late. As everyone was looking at them.
The Colonel was still connected to the microphone system.
And there was silence.
Until there was a wolf whistle. The head of Torchwood Three.
“I have heard,” the man -Harkness- said without shame, “that it is tradition for engaged persons to kiss-”
His assistant, a young suited man, none so subtly kicked Harkness under the table. Jack flinched.
“Shut up Jack.”
“You’re no fun. You know that?”
The Welsh assistant, Ianto Jones, that was his name, rolled his eyes at his Captain and brought his hands together in applause.
He was the lone figure clapping until Harkness also rose to his feet, and slowly and steadily the other members of the conference rose to their feet also clapping. There were a few cheers and Mace felt all of the blood drain from his face.
Marian however only laughed and leant forward to kiss him lightly.
The rules becoming second place, he kissed her back.
It took a while for everything to die down, because after Mace’s (rather public) announcement the catering staff had decided that more drinks were needed. So an hour after the conference ended and the first few people were starting to leave, Mace leant back in his chair.
Hand clasped around Marian’s and he noted that he and his fiancée were not the only couple holding hands under the table.
Typical Torchwood.