Title: A Town Called Original Sin - Interlude
Fandom/s: Sherlock/Whitechapel Crossover
Pairings: Chandler/Kent
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Whitechapel and Sherlock belong to ITV and the BBC respectively.
Warnings: Murder, angst, heartbreak, violence, injury, a perchance for cliffhangers, character death.
Spoilers: Post- The Great Game for Sherlock, and Post- Series 2 for Whitechapel.
4492 Masterlist and in-depth fic header Here A/N: Title from Scouting For Girls' "Little Miss Naughty". The interlude is used to explain the background to the Chandler/Kent relationship of ATCOS, it therefore doesn't fit into the narrative. It was supposed to be part of chapter 5, but that grew too long. Therefore, the style of it is a little... quirky.
I've always promised myself that I'd get this posted before my birthday, and I have with just over a week to go. And this is it, the end, my friends. After five long months my baby is finished. She's over 25,000 words long, has used up many, many man hours, and involved blood, sweat and a few tears. I hope you've enjoyed the journey. I know that I have. //end of sappy speech.
Summary: It wouldn't be a copy cat, if they didn't strike more than once.
It developed so slowly, whatever this was, it had taken months though the new Ripper, though the Krays and all the cases too small to gather press attention. It was such a natural progression from companionship to friendship to something more, it was ridiculous that a group of detective's couldn't tell the change. But, it seemed that they couldn't.
They'd decided to keep it quiet.
What the team didn't know couldn't hurt them, their private lives were not anyone's concern but their own.
Chandler knew that that wouldn't wash with Miles, if he was honest with himself it wouldn't wash with any of them. This was something too big to be hidden from the team as it wasn't just their privates lives. This involved them all.
But they still didn't tell.
Kent wanted it to be theirs, and Chandler wanted Kent to be his.
Their working relationship didn't suffer, so much, it just took on rather different connotations.
It was hard for Chandler not to smile unabashed at Kent when he could, just because he could.
Miles might have said that his boys wouldn't have had issue with it -and he'd still outright denied it, even them- but there was a difference between sexuality and taking up with the youngest member of the team.
Miles was protective of his team.
He was even protective of Chandler, in his own way.
But, sexually harassment, taking advantage, all possible accusations. They could all be held as well.
So they kept it quiet.
It wasn't hard for them to keep it quiet though, it was only looking at it fro the inside that Chandler noted how Kent had acted around him, how he had always acted. He would have felt guilty for the unnecessary hero-worship, except Kent had frowned through his admonishments and said simply that he was worth it.
It was a far cry from the man he had been.
They went on dates sometimes. After work and during lunch times.
Kent moved into his flat a few months after they started being more. It was an awkward at first, trying to balance work and this relationship. Because he just couldn't put one above the other, they were so vitally separate, yet joined and caused by the other.
They certainly acted, or they tried to at least, like there was nothing between them. It was hard, but they had their nights. Sometimes Kent would stay for days on end.
One day Chandler took a breath and asked Emerson to move in with him.
Kent had smiled.
The flat felt warmer after that.
Chandler continually felt guilty, when he saw the way that Kent looked at him, but Kent only said he was reflecting the happiness in his own eyes.
That he deserved it.
Chandler had the suspicion that they knew.
That sometimes, after his eyes lingered too long on Kent, he saw something something in Miles' smile.
He didn't know if it was a threat, admonishment or acceptance.
He didn't ask.
Only turning back to his desk, and back to work.
Prologue |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 | (Interlude) |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Epilogue I |
Epilogue II