Jul 18, 2004 19:16
"there seems to be some damage to the brain in sections 7, 10, and 12. we are sending overall optics to ^analysis^. . . butwith no reply. Members of the crew are getting scared. WILL this ominous cloud of goo resolve or deliver us all within the coming dayS? Morale is dropping. survivers are warned to seek radiation treatment. beware of scarring, fever, rash, nausea, diarrhea, and severe gout. If your limbs fall off, pick them up so the doctors can reattach them. store them in a cool, dry, place, or how about the refrigerator? Do not succumb to the madness. Workers are warned to NOT eat other workers. This will create pestilence and contagion. Under the present degree of heat, WOrkers are warned not to exceed thought process agenda or calculation exceeding 37%. Meet your quotas and the sickening drill of decay shall pass. If we do not work fast, the degeneration shall continue unabated..."