Aug 11, 2007 19:01
There were way more people than we thought, so getting there an hour early didn't get us a seat. I couldn't see her at all during the Q&A :( Other than that, it was perfect! Of course, everyone went crazy when she came out. It was so much fun squeeing over everything she said, I'm not even joking ;D And surprisingly, she answered some questions that made me think more. Like this girl said something about how Jacob was basically being an ass in Eclipse and she defended him by saying that he is only 16 and Edward's definitely had a much longer time to acquire patience and maturity. She said since this is his first love and he sees Bella's changing as basically dying, he doesn't see any lines that he can't cross (if that makes sense). Especially after she kissed him back. She also talked about how people were having a hard time accepting the loving-two-people-at-the-same-time-dealio, saying that most people who were younger and haven't been in love found it hard to believe while older people that have been in similar situations understand. So I'll just shut up about that and accept that I know nothing about being in love yet :P What else...? Oh! I was right! Jacob didn't imprint on Bella because he would have in New Moon and it would be waaay obvious. The only other important thing I can think of right now is that she said she's definitely writing a 5th and 6th book (not including Midnight Sun) that will be from other characters' perspectives. But first, she's focusing on finishing Midnight Sun. Holy Moses, did everyone go crazy over that! Lol. I can't believe it, I'm so freaking excited!!! (Sorry if this is all old news, I don't go to the Lexicon much.)
Until our group was called to line up, we had to browse for a while...I actually saw like, ten guys there! And some pretty cool shirts. Speaking of which, I didn't have time to get a t-shirt together :P I should have just used those tattoos from New Moon! Anyway, when my friend and I got up to her desk I just about died...I was pathetically star-struck. She signed our names and everything! But yeah, I said a probably way-too-enthusiastic thank you, and managed to walk a short distance before breaking into a squeeing/giggling fit *facepalm* But she was just as nice and down to earth as I thought she was...
So, yeah! So worth it! I also bought a feng shui book there since I'm planning on appyling it to my room at my dad's. He said my sister and I can get started with decorating soon!