Mar 13, 2007 15:27
Feel like laughing? Of course ya do. Here's an embarrassing story at the expense of moi: I was kneeling in front of my locker today at school and when I was done, I closed the bottom door, stood up, and....I bet you can guess what happened. Ya see, the lockers at my high school (not all of them, however) have a little part that opens once you push up on a thing inside the big part, and mine was open. Luckily, not many people were in the hallway and I didn't see anyone I knew *whew*. So funny, though. Yet painful.
So we read some more of Odysseus in English today. I absolutely HATE it because we're reading it out of our textbooks, which cut out several big parts (and summarize what you missed). I feel like I'm seriously missing out because I love the language it uses, it's so descriptive. And everyone loves a good adventure, no? I think I'm going to buy it and read it in full once I get the chance. Goodness, it's a CLASSIC, how could you only read parts?!
That reminded me: I wanted to rant a bit, if ya don't mind. I think I'm going to focus on meeting/making new friends because I'm getting to the breaking point with most of mine. I've never gotten very close to them (I've always stayed close with Alli and Abby, of course. I love them and am so grateful to have such good friends!) and they drive me INSANE. I know that's negative, but it's only the truth. They are so shallow and stupid; every time I hang out with them, I almost feel like a horrible person. They talk behind each other's backs, start unnecessary drama, and are just so intolerant of anyone/anything different from them. I'm sure I look like a complete freak/dork since I am interested in musicals, knitting, reading, and other somewhat different things they don't enjoy. I don't share like, any interests with them at all and I can never contribute to the conversation since it's gossip 95% of the time! I guess you would think of them as kinda the "preps", but on a slightly lower level. *sigh* I know I must sound like a stuck-up, know-it-all, "oh, I read so I am better and smarter than you!" kinda person, but I have to admit...I am more mature and unique than them. I honestly don't talk bad about people (it's a very important moral I live by) and I gave up acting fake so they'd like me a long time ago. Alli's definitely sick of hanging around them...I say, why not try something new? I suppose this could be a new addition to my Vision Board....ooh, and I could make a list ;)
One more thing: I was just talking to my dad on AIM (he's in NY on a business trip) and he actually said that we could always move up there, that his company is always asking him (he goes up there a lot!). How exciting would that be to live in NY?! It's like, a huge dream of mine. Sure, I wouldn't see my mom half as much, but it would solve a ton of my problems (wanting new friends, wanting to live with my dad, having to decide if I should change schools AGAIN, more guys to choose from [lol]).