Oct 15, 2007 22:25
For those that care, my depression is a little better today. I still miss Ashley but not to the point of crying about it today. I still HATE this apartment. The smell is making me sick to my stomach. I have Fabreezed (sp?) this room to death and have had the window open since I brought stuff Saturday and it still smells like the damn dog just took a piss all over the place. I am hoping that this weekend, I will be able to go get something to take this damn smell out of this place, no matter if the other guys like it or not. I don't understand how they can stand it. And one of them has a girlfriend that pretty much stays here . . . so, I really don't know why she hasn't said something about it. And these people above me need to either stop having sex or jumping up and down (I don't know what they are doing). But the ceiling is squeaking like crazy and it is highly annoying me. I really sounds like the roof is about to cave in.
I just got back from seeing HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX at the $2 theater up the street. It was pretty good. I think it is my favorite of the movies, even though it is my least favorite of the books. I still love PRISONER OF AZKABAN (Both the movie and the book). It was good to go away from everything and just be by myself a while. **OH GREAT. The Dog is barking. Shoot me now** For 2 hours I didn't think about the divorce, or my crappy job, or this damn apartment. It was just me in a movie theater. I think I am going to go back tomorrow and see either TRANSFORMERS or see HAIRSPRAY for the 3rd time. I mean, it's only $1.50 (even though it's called the $2 theater). I can see a weeks worth of movies for the same price as a brand new one at the "normal" movie theater. It's sweet.
Damn, those people above me. Damn them to hell.
I am looking at jobs near my parents because I am 95% certain that I am going to move in with them ASAP. These guys treat me like I don't exist. When I moved in yesterday, one of the guys didn't offer to help me and just went back to playing HALO 3 (the other guy was gone), so I had to move everything by myself which took me a while. Then he was supposed to help me put my bed together, but he didn't move a muscle. I also do not have a key. So, I have to play the guessing game as to when they will be home to let me in. I mean, one of them didn't even know I was moving in this weekend because the other one didn't tell him. So, he found out when my friend that lives in another part of the apartment complex came over to help clean. On a funny note, she told them that it smelled like shit and she wouldn't be surprised if I came here, smelled the place, and left (which truth be told, I almost did). I want to move far away from here and go up north, but I don't have any money to do that. Maybe in a year or so I can do it. I just want to finally be happy. But, I think God wants me to be the butt of his universal joke for a little while longer.