I have named my new Kindle Merlin...

May 12, 2011 10:30

...because it is magical.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm always years behind the technological curve. But hey...love me, love my Luddite nature. :-)

Since I figured out how to load books, I spent many pleaurable moments at work yesterday loading free and 99 cent books from amazon.com on my Kindle. Of course, free and 99 cent books are usually novellas or short stories, and they usually consist of romance stories, although I found a couple of sci fi shorts that sound interesting. Then I spent most of the night--literally--reading some of my free books.

First, "Duck!", mainly because a friend recommended it, and because it featured an avian shapeshifter culture. It's essentially a retelling of "The Ugly Duckling", only with a gay duckling and a mild bdsm romance. But there was a much better story lying just below the kinky romance, all about how species (or maybe genus) determines propensity, both sexual and otherwise, and whether a society that forces thinking beings into certain roles based on species is (a) fair and (b) sustainable.

Alas, that was not the story told.

Then I read "Mind F*cked", a painfully bad title for a fairly classic gay romance. A classic gay romance is essentially the same a classic straight romance, only with more dicks. Boy meets boy, boy is attracted to boy, boy pisses boy off, drama, drama, drama, peril!, love. The only unique feature is that one of the boys is, wait for it...

...faery-cursed. Go figure.

And the final book I read (I told you I spent most of the night reading) was the best of the three, "Concubine". Also a gay romance, but a little different premise. Prince boy is given to Warlord boy as a blood price, Prince boy is really pissed off about it, Warlord boy is very sweet and patient and inventive, sex, sex, sex, kinky sex, court intrigue, more kinky sex, peril!, a foiled kidnapping, a foiled assassination attempt, waaaay kinky sex, crossdressing, love.

I'm seriously thinking about taking my Kindle to the Steeplechase on Saturday. You know, for the down times between races, when a kinky romance would be handy.

amazon.com, kindle, books, gay stuff, steeplechase

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