And so life goes on.

Dec 07, 2004 20:37

I woke up this morning. Partially. I didn't feel all that great, but I pushed on, anyway. All good. First period. I screwed around with some kinda computer program named The Geometer's Sketchpad. I didn't actually do much work. Second period. 50 was completed! We hung him up in the classroom, because of how racy he was. He's a gun-totin' bitch slapper... how do you think people are gonna react? Third period. I sorta struggled through it.. on my hands and knees.. through the elements.. and the fog.. and a PMSing teacher.. ZING, OUCH. Lunch. I ATE STUFF. But not that much. Someone stole it all. And then they offered me this 3 week old muffin. I ate it. BAD IDEA. More on that later. Fourth period. I did a little work. Slept most of the period.. wasn't feeling good. Fifth period. And so it went that Matthew Peckinpaugh was told on this day at this point in time that the building blocks for society are acutally made up of 100 meter sticks stuffed inside a small backpack. What a lovely teacher. Sixth period. I finished my distorted image! Oh yay! Bus ride home. Something of a drag... nothing happened. Just a ride home. Got home and played Metroid Prime until my mom got home to kick Julia off the comp. I managed to get a load of powerups on it. Then I babysat. Oh joy. A little 9 year old bitch. EVEN BETTER. It's your sister. OH BOY, COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER? She's got personality problems. Oh god... thank you for this... it's going to make me a better person... and it's going to BUST MY FUCKING EARDRUMS. K. That's over with. Got on here, logged off.. went to bed.
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