Life on the Flip of a Coin

Mar 30, 2008 21:26

Could you imagine if every important decision you made was based on the flip of a coin?

Ok I have to confess, that's not as cool as it sounds.  The other day while working back in electronics, a woman and her son couldn't decide whether or not they were going to get a particular game.  So mom said, "I'll settle this," and pulled out a coin.  Heads they got the game, tails they'll pass.

Totally got the game.

I guess it's not, you know, an IMPORTANT decision, but it's a funny thought.  "Hmm, should I buy this car?  Heads?  Alright!!"

Ha, so I'm a little bored and more or less procrastinating putting together a presentation for Methods.  I'm supposed to talk about, let's see.. Organization,  Style, Programming, Rehearsal Techniques, etc.  I don't know if this is really gonna be that hard, but I need to get a hold of my partner in this so I can collaborate.  Ugh, I'm ready to get out of this class.  I'm super sick of Dr. Lychner, and I'm really REALLY sick of student presentations.  Nothing against my colleagues, I just really don't care about what you have to say.  It's not you, it's me.  No it's not me either, it's the damn class.

I really had some bad thoughts for how today was gonna work out.  I completely forgot I had quintet this morning and I know I pissed everyone off.  Completely my fault, and it's a really really bad time to be an ass about this sorta thing.  The recital is in... two weeks?  Probably ten more rehearsals.  I felt good about what we did in a half an hour, but it wasn't necessarily progress.  We've just plain and simply been neglecting a lot of our stuff and it might come back and bite us.  I'm not nervous yet, and we're all really smart musicians, I'm just concerned.  After quintet I went into work, and that started out all wrong.  Scheduled in electronics, me and this other girl were pretty much the only people working, so I was taking a lot of calls on the main part of the floor and answering calls for backup on the front lanes.  Ha, almost wrote front lines.  Anyways, I completely trashed a new chair that a guest had just purchased.  Wheeling it out to their car on a flat bed, one of their five new wooden chairs fell right off the cart and was totally screwed up.  What an ass, why didn't I see that coming?  So I spent the next twenty minutes making sure they knew how sorry I was and making sure they could get another one at our West Main counterpart.  Ugh, super frustrating.

Then the brass quintet came in, that was funny.  Will took my PDA and started scanning everything, hahaha.  Cheered me up for a while, then my stupid manager got on me and Anne (aforementioned other chick in electronics) about not helping enough guests, and I pretty much just wanted to punch her in the face.  (Not that I would ever do that, cause it's assault... and I would lose this ever so wonderful job!)  It was busy as hell and we basically had the sales floor to ourselves.  Seriously, give me a break.

It eventually slowed down and I managed to just stay in electronics, which was wonderful.   The end.

Why did I tell you all about my day at Target?  Seriously, why would you care?  I know I don't... not really anyways.

So life.  I am scheduled for about... two classes next semester.  Wonderful.  Well with all that free time I should be able to... work! Oh thank goodness I get to work at Target some more next semester, I'm just so happy.  But seriously, there's cool stuff too.  I definitely would be the visual caption head at Grandville if I went there, but don't know that I want to.  Still hearing from everywhere, but I didn't get to meet with Chuck this weekend.  Bummer, I would really love to work with Reeths - Puffer.  It's an amazing program and everyone has said what an outstanding director Chuck is.  I figure this is probably going to be my best teaching tool yet, and I really really wanna take advantage of it before having to intern teach at some shit school here in the Kalamazoo area.  I'll give it another week before I commit somewhere.

Oh so Emery called.  Man I miss that dude, I haven't talked to him in a long time.  So we chatted for a while, and he told me a job might be coming my way for the summer!  He was offered to teach at Dutch Boy Drum and Bugle Corps, but passed on it cause he's gonna be on staff at the Bluecoats.  So he said he gave their director my name to head up the horn line there!  Fricken' brass caption at a drum corps???  Yeah, it's a Div. 3 corps, but shit, that's so bad ass!  For a 22 year old kid?  I'm super pumped.  I hope something comes from that!!  Who knows, it might jump start me onto a staff at a bigger corps.  I really really wanna be on staff at the Cavaliers some day, so maybe this'll get me going.  Mmm, exciting times!

Anything else?  Well just so we're clear, I really am still single.  Sorry to be ambiguous before, but now ain't the time.  Let's see, other news?  It's about to get shit ton busy.  Presentation on Tuesday, 10 page action research project due in two weeks, final project due in CS1000, another paper for Anthropology not yet assigned (so nice to us), RBBQ recital in two weeks, 24 hours of work this week, 27 next week, Physics exam on Wendesday, internship meeting, advising meeting, Reeths - Puffer meeting (hopefully), and I'll be dodging a kitchen sink at some point this week too.  I think the next time I'll take a breath will be final exam week, cause I don't think anything is happening then.  Hahaha, sometimes irony is funny!

Ok I think I've written enough.  Hope everyone's doin' ok!

Splooie... Sorry to hear you're not marching, James...

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