don't flutter by → Jonghyun/Key, Onew/Minho, Minho/Taemin; PG-16 He lands in your heart, not a second late. thanks siaht for the help & jecca-o9 for the beta :D
OKAY. ugh. this was so good. I loved it. idek. Your Jonghyun and Key are perfect as usual, and I really loved Minho, Taemin, and Onew..I want to know more about Minho, so I hope you do write that side story. <3 oh and of course I loved the sexy club part sflkjsmndg so hot, so hot. *________*
THAT WAS ME WHEN IT ENDED. like, my head actually went down and everything sdkgjsklg so good, why did it have to end (AND BEFORE SEX WHAT) omg. ilu. :(
~♥♥♥♥~ your comments always make me smile :( I hope I 'inspired' you with my short club scene ~o~ /gets to writing vamp!Minho I'M SORRY IT ENDED BEFORE SEX. This was getting too long and complicated lol ilu2 ;~;
DD: I feel like crap because my review was so short but I really did love it so much skfjesdklf I'm just tired. :( LOL you definitely did, I'll have to start writing that part soon - I hope I can make it half as hot as this was.
vamp!minho is gonna be angsty isn't it? *_* I usually don't like angst, but minho looks so hot when he's all ~serious~ and sexy-like. excited klsfjalk
OMG LOL NO IT'S OKAY~ I love how it ended with a simple “Let’s fuck.” unffff jjong bb. T-T
THAT WAS ME WHEN IT ENDED. like, my head actually went down and everything sdkgjsklg so good, why did it have to end (AND BEFORE SEX WHAT) omg. ilu. :(
I hope I 'inspired' you with my short club scene ~o~
/gets to writing vamp!Minho
I'M SORRY IT ENDED BEFORE SEX. This was getting too long and complicated lol
ilu2 ;~;
vamp!minho is gonna be angsty isn't it? *_* I usually don't like angst, but minho looks so hot when he's all ~serious~ and sexy-like. excited klsfjalk
OMG LOL NO IT'S OKAY~ I love how it ended with a simple “Let’s fuck.” unffff jjong bb. T-T
It's going to be angsty at first but hopefully it'll mellow out with his relationship with Onew & Taemin @_@ idek lol
mmm I can totally imagine Jonghyun saying that right now :Q___
/goes to sleep
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