Title: rooks and romanticide.
Author: me,
Disclaimers: I do not own.
Pairing/Characters: Sebastian/Ciel, mainly; consequential Ciel/Lizzy; hinted Alois/lots of people but mostly Claude; allusions to Beast/Joker; a lot of others; innocent bystanders: Grell, William, Indian entertainers, protective services in the guise of clumsy servants, and an aunt dazzling in crimson red.
Rating/Warning: T+, generally, but M for specific scenes; graphic content such as violence, recreational substance use references, explicit scenes and mature themes.
Summary: Two households, both alike in dignity-the responsibilities of noble blood. Bloodstained fate for two children with bloodstained hands, and they were helpless to change it. Victorianesque gun-slinging, clove-smoking, party-crashing, gang-fighting, sex, betrayal, and vodka, sabotaging, kidnapping, balcony-climbing, tradition-upholding, revenge-seeking twisted Shakespearean AU.
Note: I have no excuse for being late. ;_;
Posted at FF.net
here and on LJ below:
⌈rooks and romanticide⌋
act I: scenes iv and v.
“Your life.” Ciel motioned down to him, the mask of nonchalance passing over his face again. “If I find reason to suspect you of betrayal, I’ll have you executed in front of everyone you love and hold dear. And then I might kill them, too, if I feel the need. And you’ll all be tossed in Lovers’ Lane to be picked up by the undertaker and taken away to his shop to be used as guinea pigs for his medical experiments. Does that sound good?” )