I wrote this so Tristan will shut up.

Dec 07, 2006 02:20

So it's been just over 2 months since my last post, and I'm posting for really no other reason than for that. A lot has actually happened in the past few months, both good and bad, and I think I'm going to leave it at that. What difference does it really make? You want to know the details? Give me a call! I guess I stopped posting for lack of inspiration combined with a relative increase in how busy I'm becoming. Things are definitly changing for me, as they always seem to be. I haven't really felt like stopping to reflect on what's different, I will soon. There's something big on the rise. I don't know what, but I can feel this presence near me. Perhaps there will be a real reason for me to post on this journal. And to add to this ill-composed string of rambling, just in case I don't let anyone know before hand, I will be home for one whole week (20th-28th). So anyone who hasn't seen me in three years (umm...most of you) who want to see me, should be on the lookout. I won't be hurt if I don't see anybody, though. Things are so different now...But i still want to see you all!


I really do have a lot I could talk about, but I have no desire to at all! I need mental stimulation almost as bad as I need spiritual healing. Right now, I'm very much in the middle of my mood, which is unusual but not a bad thing. My spirit is somewhere not close, but not far. Something's very exciting will happen soon. I don't know why, but in the past few weeks, I've been sleeping and dreaming differently. My dreams are not dreams, they are some sort of reality and they are very thin in my eyes. It's like the whole night I'm sleeping with my eyes half closed, but I'm seeing things in different places and seeing events happen, and things are being taught to me. I'm not resting, though. I'm missing my Delta sleep, and so my brain's not recharging. Maybe that's why I don't feel I have any power. Little by little I feel like my head's unraveling. The other day in my shower I closed my eyes and I started hallucinating almost. It was like I was on mushrooms. I had these really abstract thoughts. These black diamonds opened up and inside of them were white mouths that were drooling long, copious strands of hair that was being woven into Navajo scarves or rugs. It's like when I close my eyes sometimes now instead of the normal thoughts and memories I used to see, I'm on the brink of hallucinating.

All this being said, for the first time, I've actually honestly wondered if I was going slightly mad.

Well, I said more than I thought I would. I don't know who's on the lucky/unluckier side. Peace, love, and positivity to you all. You are the lights in my life. And I wish to see you all soon.
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