Pointless Entry

Dec 20, 2005 14:39

Hi everybody. It's been a while, and due to Squeaks calling me out for having a bland, unreadable journal, it's taken me even longer to get the urge back to post an entry. (Question whether that's true or not, you self-absorbed butthole!!)

So, I'm sick. It's really dumb. It decided to lay low until my days off from work, so now instead of enjoying them, I'm sick and miserable. YAY! I figured I'd have part of this entry fill you in on stuff you don't really need to know, nor probably care to, but as that is the purpose for livejournals as handed down by the lord god himself, I am obliged to do so. Riiiight.

Um basically I'm doing nothing out here. I'm having fun, but I'm not doing anything I couldn't be doing in any other city or any other state. I guess that's just a testament to "life is what you make it." Make mine a double. I'm still trying to write, I have some stories and a few scripts I'm working on. Ultimately that means nothing. It just sounds nice, like I'm actually doing something. Maybe one day I'll be a real boy.

Right now, I want to be upset. I want to be hurt and angry and throw a tantrum. But I know it won't change a damn thing. It won't bring anyone closer to me. Basically, right now, I'm interested in a few girls. One in particular. It started off awesome, and then it stopped working out. Nothing happened, though. It never really had the chance to. She got busy, I got busy. But I tried to keep it going. I just don't know if I tried too hard. I like this girl, I mean I'd really like to like this girl. I'd rather jump into a situation and experience the chaos and have it blow up in my face, but instead I'm just sitting, waiting, because there's no situation into which I could jump. And that's hard. But it's out of my control. She has my number, she knows I'm here.

"Come for me, Gmorg! I AM ATREYU!!!!!"

Perhaps it's the sickness sliding me into a slight depression. My head feels tremendously heavy. The past few days I've been trying to write songs. The results have been laughable at best. I'd like to be a frontman for a band, though. I'd have to learn to sing better. That's the one thing about playing the drums. You rock the hardest, but you're in the back. Story of my life. I don't know what I need to do to get people to notice me.

I still need to buy Xmas presents.

Goddamn, I could fall for this girl so bad. I'm really so impatient. I just want to know, ya know?
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