Basket of Biscornu = DONE!

Sep 04, 2011 00:03

I have FINALLY finished my Basket of Biscornu!!  I started it July 2010 with the first piece, a leukemia ribbon beauty for James, and I just finished the last one.  It really should have been finished in June, but work got insane over the summer and due to having to bring work home on occasion, all my stitching suffered the sad fate of being set aside for a time.  But it's done now, and that's all that matters!

Love this piece:


And here are all the completed biscornus:

As you can see, they aren't in a basket per se, but they are grouped together in a nice order on my coffee table.  The Phantom piece and my June finish are just too massive for any basket I've found.  I'll keep looking, but for now, I like this.  Except when my nephew visits.  Then I have to move them to a safe spot so he doesn't put them in his mouth.  I can't wait until he's old enough to know to leave them alone!

I am stoked to start working on other pieces now!  I've got some seriously good stuff on the horizon!

Cross-posted to cross_stitch

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