May 26, 2008 14:30
I stupidly took my riding mower too close to a tree with low branches, and I broke my lovely grass catcher. Tried to fix it with duct tape, but it fell apart again. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued. Then Timmy fixed it with much more duct tape. Now it works just fine. I collected lots of grass clippings. Yay!
Timmy and I tried to start my brand-new tiller but couldn't. Jonathan wanted to see what he could do. He started it on the first try. I was then able to till a bunch of my garden. Yay again!
Mowing the lawn with a riding mower is easy and fun, though mine is a little cranky sometimes. It isn't easy for me to do it perfectly, but it's easy to do it well enough for me, so there are odd tufts of grass sticking up, especially around trees and big rocks that stick up out of the ground. ::shrug::
Tilling is tough for me, even with a lightweight tiller. I can do only about 20-30 square feet at one go, and then I feel I ought to stop. Still, I can do it! Which is a huge improvement over hand-spading or hand-troweling! I've been wanting a tiller for a looooong time, and it is grate like Rockit!
Now to put in my tomato, pepper, and dill seedlings. Eventually I will sow the other stuff -- cucumbers, sunflowers, marigolds, and I forget what all else. :-D