God...I want you to kill Peter Parker...

May 09, 2007 00:42

Update time. Hallelujah, holy shit, where's the Tylenol?

Well, first things first, Renee and I finally have an actual BED to sleep in. Granted, the whole "matress on the floor" thing was working ok, but we both wanted something a little more "grown-up" to offset the action figures and D&D books. So, I got an old waterbed frame from my dad, painted the whole thing reactor core orange and put the godforsaken piece of shit together tonight. Well, I didn't do all that tonight. Just the "putting together" part. I have to say, though, it looks pretty damn spiffy. Now I just need to get somewhere to put all of our clothes and it'll actually stop looking like we're teenagers.

On the tattoo front, the work Matt did on my arm is all healed up. Now I just have to wait till I get paid for June to get some more done. I'm thinking neck. Plus, since I have no additional debt accrued, I'll actually be able to give Matt a decent tip (ie cash money, as opposed to art books...though I suppose he probably wouldn't mind both). And whenever the hell Renee gets her part of the money, we'll actually be able to get our ears done. Yay for us.

Friday, Brett, Jim and I all hung out. As per usual, it was a blast. I'm trying to figure out when the Brettman and Jimbo will be up for kicking it some more, and hopefully we'll be able to get the Yeti to come along for the ride. And hopefully next time we'll be able to play some Gears as well.

Oh yeah, posted a pic of the newest painting finally. Unfortunately (listen to me talking like you fuckers care), you can only see it if you're on IAM. Yay for bodymods.

That's it for today. I really thought that this one was going to be more interesting and in-depth, but as it turns out that was just the mania talking. Much love, all, I'm out.

Oh yeah, and I REALLY want to see Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns by John Carpenter. I'm sure I'll be let down, but that sounds like the coolest goddamn movie ever. I want to play Chrono Trigger again, too. And now I'm babbling. OUT
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