Mar 20, 2007 03:17
Well, I'm sitting here watching the dogs run around after having eaten (the dogs, not me), and I figure it's as good a time as any to update.
First off, the bedroom is close enough to finished that I'm calling it done. Everything but the door is painted, the door is actually up, the carpet is laid, and I am stoked. All that's left is to take out the last few things that we aren't keeping in there and move everything in that we'll have in there. Dad's bringing the old waterbed platform tomorrow, which means we'll actually be able to sleep in the new room tomorrow night. It's been a hell of a lot of work, but it's done, and it's looking like it'll be worth it. Next on the list: cleaning off the steps and starting the long job of clearing out the other side.
So, the Wii. We picked up Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy a couple weeks ago, and I've been playing the hell out of it. I didn't realize till the end of the first day that it was originally a Gamecube game (and PS2 as well, I believe). Now, the first thing that ran through my head was "Wow, I just paid $50 for a $20-30 game". Then I thought about it, and you know what? The mere fact that it's on the Wii makes it worth it. Now, I won't lie. While I certainly consider myself a gamer (tabletop, pen and paper, console, PC, you name it), I don't actually buy games that often. I usually wait for things to hit the bargain bin, and I think I've only gone 3-4 times to buy something on the day it came out. But I can honestly say that if I was buying a game, and the Wii version was $20 more than the 360 version...I'd buy the Wii version without hesitation (unless it was a game that would benefit greatly from a custom soundtrack, then I'd seriously debate it). It's just more fun using the Wiimote than just pushing buttons. Granted, being the spazz that I am, there have been a couple-two-three times I've cursed the motion functionality after losing because I jerked my arm at an inopportune moment, but that's more than overshadowed by how great it feels when everything flows together and it feels right. I honestly thought after forsaking the Gamecube on account of it's controller that I was done with Nintendo (and believe me, I've been a fanboy since Nintendo meant NES), but they brought me back in. And I must say, I'm damn glad they did.
Blah blah blah, been watching House, blah blah blah, The Riches kicks ass, blah blah blah, watched The Departed and loved it. I'm outta here, take it easy, peace, much love THE END