May 03, 2018 19:44
It seems Ohio is finally out of danger of frost, so my garden is finally planted! Most of it is in containers, because the soil on this side of town is horrific and full of literal pieces of garbage, no matter how deep you dig. I got huge square containers from Lowe's for my veggies, and put them in the backyard. Standard tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, and zucchini. Much less space that I was accustomed to at my old apartment, but hopefully things will grow okay, even if I don't get monstrously large zucchini like I did in the past. In front of my apartment, I dug up the flowerbed and planted a variety of flowers in there. I also have lots of pots on my porch and on the railing of my porch, with various flowers. Sunflowers, gladioli, forget me nots (for the flower pot that's the memorial to the child I miscarried), impatiens, marigolds, morning glories, and I forget what else! I also put a hanging flower basket in my kitchen, with some various flowers and sweet williams.
Nate helped me plant. Well, he mostly helped me dig! I tried to give him the box of impatiens seeds, and told him to "gently sprinkle it all over the soil" in the flowerbed. Instead, he dumped it out in one huge heap. Luckily, we were able to then spread it out with our hands, so it worked out anyway.
I didn't want to have to find people to pay to mow my portions of the lawn this year, so I got a manual push mower. You know, without gas or battery or anything, powered by sheer physical force. It's not as bad as I was expecting, but my arms, legs, and back sure felt it later that night!
I'm trying to be more active, to make healthier choices, so that hopefully I can lose some weight. Besides the lawn work, I have been walking more, and using my little foot pedal machine in my bedroom. I'm trying to remind myself that the most important thing is not the number on the scale, but making my body and mind feel healthier. It's a struggle, though, to not fall into eating disordered habits: One of the days when I was really active this week, I fell back into the old trap of not eating at all during the day, until dinner. Which I know is not a good choice for me, as it leads to bingeing and further messes up my metabolism.
I'm also trying to be more cognizant of the calorie amounts in beverages, drinking more water, paying attention to portion sizes, eating more fruits and veggies, etc.
We'll see how this goes. I'm trying!
eating disorders