Jun 23, 2012 01:15
- Aren't you puzzled with that curious fact: the more developed an animal is, the easier it yields to the horror of death?
- Hmm... Not really.
- A snail will struggle for life even if cut into pieces. Same with insects.
- Have you cut one?
- I was a child once, you know. See, a fish thrashes till its last breath, but a rat or a rabbit can be terrorized moveless. And what of apes? Isn't that their complicated brain capable of perceiving the overwhelming idea of an inevitable end what threatens their population?
- Now human beings...
- Yes, human beings are next in the row. I should say, it was a matter of survival to find a remedy against the dreadful of our poorly conscious mind. Yet we persisted.
- What are you driving at? Religion?
- Down with religion. It's lie.
- Lie?..
- Yes. We can lie to ourselves. No one else in the world but we can.
Kilgore Trout, "Lie and Death"
lie and death