Music Monday -- Stuff Youtube Shows Me: Hilary Klug

Sep 20, 2021 21:23

Okay, let's get out of Japan before they start checking our Visas (mine's a Mastercard)!

Perhaps because of my stanning Lindsey Stirling ( here)(Sept. 30 2013), Youtube seems to have decided I like dancing fiddlers (it's a fair cop!), and sent me Hilary Klug.

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Cotton Eyed Joe

Klug does not have a Wikipaedia entry. I managed to find a couple of articles online about her, but most of that info is covered in the following video:

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How I Became a Dancing Fiddler

The style of dance is called "Buck Dancing", in case you missed that, and Klug is a champion at it.

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Arkansas Traveller

She has one album out, called "Howdy, Y'all!"

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Swallowtail Jig

hilary klug, music monday, music

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