Read Recently -- December -- Grave Matters

Jan 19, 2011 21:16

An Ice Cold Grave by Charlaine Harris

In this latest addition to the series, Harper and her step-brother Tolliver (!) (he spends much time this story reminding people that he isn't actually her brother) travel to South Carolina, to Knott County, whose sheriff, Sandra Rockwell, is desperate. Young teenage boys, six of them now, have been vanishing from Knott County for the last five years. None of these boys are the type to run away, so the sheriff suspects a serial killer. Harper is soon able to confirm that by finding the bodies close to the place where they were tortured and killed. Which means that not only is there a killer, but they are someone local.

Then, just as our heroes are preparing to leave town (though not the County; they still need to be interviewed by the State Bureau of Investigation and get their cheque from the family that is paying for their services), Harper is attacked, and though not killed she is hospitalized. Could the killer be angry that Harper has interrupted his fun?

The subplot that has had me following this series so far, that of Harper and Tolliver(!)'s increasingly incestuous relationship (only step-siblings, remember) finally takes the leap from possibility to reality. When our heroes are snowbound in a loaner cabin they wind up having to share a bed and, well, consummate that relationship. Due to the way Harris writes, I now know more about Tolliver(!)'s genitalia than I ever wanted to.

Mildly recommended.

charlaine harris, book reviews, fiction, mysteries, reviews, harper connelly, read recently, books

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