Once again,
phantom_wolfboy presents, a "Read Recently" Special Event!
Unread In '08!
So, yeah, there's actually a Diana Wynne Jones book I can't finish. Here's why:
Polly is preparing for another year of college when she starts examining the titular picture, trying to figure out what she ever saw in it . . . and she realises that her memories have been changed. Or that she has two sets of memories. In one, while visiting her grandmother nine years before, she gets the picture when she accidentally wanders into a funeral at a neighbourhood house and befriends a lonely man names Thomas Lynn.
If your reaction to reading that name was, "Hey, shouldn't her name be Janet?", congratulations. You were paying attention. Yes, it's a Tam Lin retelling. And that's why I could only go so far into it: it's essentially a romance between a ten-year-old girl and a man old enough to have been married and divorced.
Now, mind you: this is Diana Wynne Jones. I'm sure that the whole thing was handled in the best possible way, that no relationship was consummated, and of course she gets older throughout the whole thing and by the ending (beginning) is old enough to be in college, certainly an adult. But, really? I was too squicked to get that far. You might enjoy it, though.
And that was 2008.