May 15, 2006 14:27
I worked a split shift the last 2 weeks. I would get up a 9:30am to go to work and then work till 2/3 at noon then back at 5 till 9 or so. I now wake up at 9:30 without an alarm........It's pissing me the fuck off!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MY SLEEP BUT I'M TOO ACUSTOM TO WAKING UP AT 9:30!!! *growls*
Guess what.....I'm going to me working 50 hour weeks for 4 weeks which totals to 200 hours a month. That means $1650 with out tax removed. So lets say $200 in tax, so I still would have $1450. That's a shit load of money. I'll be able to get my own place, have my cat, have my privicy and still have money to spend. I'm not sure when I'm going to move out but it won't be for a few months.
But I'm going to be hella tired and not be able to do anything for the first few weeks. I'll need to sleep until my body adapts to the new work schedual.
Now for the even worse news:.....
Alot of shit is going down at the house. Bri and David are getting divorced and all hell is breaking loose. It's a game of He Said She Said and my mom is stuck in the middle. I am 'suppose to' move in. Or at least that is the game plan during the divorce.
I don't want to move in with her and Katie, and that would mean that there would be no privivy. No way I could have friends over to drink or spend the night or stay up all night playing video games.