Dec 17, 2007 11:52
What a week, what a week. I never did find my missing wallet so that stresses me out quite a bit. I ordered a new ATM and credit card but that still leaves me with a missing license, insurance card, etc. Ah well...I'm sure something will work out.
I'm currently trying to figure out why my normal 60-70 dollar phone bill ballooned to 95 dollars this round. Especially since early this month I already made a payment on it which apparently overdrafted my account. Fun fun...
I think I did okay on finals but my grades aren't as good as I would have liked them to be. :( Typical...
I start work on Friday though so hopefully having some sort of income will help alliviate my stress. At least a little bit.
Other than financial and academic woes, life is going good. Shannon and I finally have a mattress to sleep on which is an improvement over the air mattress/floor/couch. We'll be painting our loft this week and will *hopefully* be moved in there by Christmas. Then it's just a few short months until we move out on our own!
That's about it, I hope everyone is safe and happy and enjoys their holiday season.