Name: Natalie. Or Natasha. Whatever you prefer :D
Since we respect the LJ code ,are you over 13?: Yup.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality?: I quess it does suits me in some ways :)
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: A rare kind of attention-seeker, trustful, touchy, daydreamy, stubborn, shy.
Your Hobbies: Reading, drawing, design, languages and etc.
Your Strengths: I can be kind of cute and sometimes people call me adorable (I'm not lying, seriously). I'm always cheerful and optimistic. I'm curious and easily excited. I can be described as sweet too. People told me that I can never hate anyone, even if he/she really hurt me. I'm not evil too (I took a test once ('how evil are you') and the result was: I'm so evil it's cute... and if I do something evil, I always regret it). I've never meant to brag, but I can call myself a smart person. Just not in the school subjects way (excluding languages, I'm close to perfect in it). Though I can understand anything even in my hated subjects. I love to help people (especially when they thank me for my help, that make me feel important).
Your Weaknesses: I have an avoidant personality disorder, which really bugs me. I can freely talk to people without shyness only when I understand what they won't say a bad thing about me (I have a problem with adding LJ friends too, lol)... but after that, I'm pretty much talkative and friendy. I'm quite stubborn. If I really want something, I get it. People never listen to me or think of my thoughts seriously. I care too much about that others think of me, I'm too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally. I do drama a lot, that's why people often call me princess-like (in a good way, lol :Р).
What Most People Like About You: I can't know, since they won't tell me xD
And even more questions...
Goals in life: I'm not sure of it. Maybe becoming a fashion designer since I love arts. And falling in love.
Favorite quote/lyric/saying & why: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory (also a title card of my favorite movie); I like it because it just describes the way the world is.
What do you feel is your best quality?: I learn something new very fast and easily (though always forget about them anyways).
What color would you say you are and why?: Pink. It's a cheerful color what's a little bit shy to be a red :)
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: I'm kind of afraid to change something in the world, what it if would be even worse? Oh look, and I've called myself an optimist...
Food: Almost everything from McDonalds. Yeah. xD And ice-cream is yummy!
Book: I love Harry Potter and book by Meg Cabot and anything in this style.
Animal: Horse. A while ago I attended horseriding lessons and because of that I realized just how I love those kind, graceful animals. Btw, I love rabbits too :D
Movies: As I said before, Butterfly Effect. I like Mean Girls, John Tucker Must Die, She's the Man and etc. also
Music: 'Sway' by The Perishers. This song is excactly what I like about music: gentle romance with a hints of pop-music.
This or That
Implusive or Cautious: Cautious. I always think before I act. Sometimes I want to be a lot more impulsive, being cautious IS boring :/
Leader or Follower: I've never been a leader myself and I'm quite content with the follower position.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Mostly optimistic, but I can be a true pessimist (I've learned to be that kind of person when I was sick badly... ugh, I'm going to recover for about five years).
Mature or not so mature: Depends. Sometimes I act too serious and mature (mostly when I'm thinking about something); I can be too immature if I see things that reminds me of children in any way.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Pleasure. What's how selfish I am D:
Confident or Shy: Shy. Really. I'm rarely confident.
Kind or Selfish: Both, no matter how strange it is.
Introverted or Extroverted: Extrovert with those who I know and can trust; introvert with cool people or just people in general... lol.
And even more this/that
Love or Passion: Love.
Hate or Honour: Neither. I don't care about either one.
Rule or Be Ruled: Neither.
Giver or Taker: I prefer to be a taker, but somehow always end up as a giver.
Low, medium, or high energy level: It depends on my mood.
Phantom of the Opera:
Favorite character ? Erik, definitely. And Christine too, I guess.
Least Favorite character? Carlotta and Raoul.
Favorite song from it? The Phantom of The Opera.
Why do you love the Phantom of the Opera? I don't 'love' it, but it was certainly good and I didn't feel that I wasted my time :D