
May 26, 2005 18:10

this week hasn't been so hot but oh well .. summer's almost here <3

so i'm wondering why nora added everyone but me to her friends list even though she's known me the longest . so much for "not trusting people easily". whatever, if she doesn't want me reading her entries than there's nothing i can do about that . just kind of upsetting .

anyways, the holocaust speaker came today. i felt bad for him cause it seemed like the weirdest things were happening during his speach thing . i might have enjoyed it more if i wasn't chilled to the bone, disgusted, &starving :/ .

i don't like it when people make a bigger deal out of things than they really are . like when their problem could be solved easily if they sat down & thought about their problem; but they don't, so instead they sit & complain about something they could easily fix . arg .

ooo so i went for a run today with my mom &we were running up this hill &i hear some kinda loud music. i was like well, BOYS MUST BE COMING .. at least that's what came to mind first . so they go by us &beep &after they left i was like 'hm, i wonder what they were beeping at (jokingly)' ; &my mom goes 'well, it wasn't me!' . okay so that wasn't that funny, but it was amusing since i was practically dieing &such . it's the little things that count ;D

IAN WAS AT THE SENIOR ASSEMBLY . aha it was funny . so then my big sister left for the semi finals for tennis &i couldn't give her my gift :( .

alrighty i think this was a sufficient update for now . not too much is on tap for this weekend except for the Good Earth &all the awesome questions to go with that.


P.S. we have a major gnat infestation in our house &it bothers me . my brother maintains gnat patrol whenever he can :) . now i know you all wanted to know that :D
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