so me &nora worked the concession stand
@ the ua v. smhs bball game.
yeahhh, it was pretty cool.
went to the charter boys bball game on friday night.
w. em, carO, sar, ash, &others.
veryy exciting.
it was the senior's last game :( lol..
lol em &ash .
slept over at emily's w/ash &carO.
went to the freshman boys &girl's game the next morning.
boys won, girls lost .
sarah got her 100 points though in jv !! woop
went back to emily's house later that night,
came back that night
went for a run on sunday
&wrote my english essay.
still got the health proj. to do tho.
&that was my weekend :D
this is google...
ganster style: kid you not.
♥ xo ♥