Sep 15, 2005 21:10
I am hot, and sweaty and nursing a thursday night drunk.
I smell. I just changed guitar strings on a '74 les paul
that was routed before I was born.
I just cleaned and lubed a '77 fender Jazz bass.
My amp is a dyed in the wool 1960's marshall stereo
cabinet (formerly used by Agata of melt-banana),
powered by a sunn beta lead. Last night
I affixed a pedal board in an anvil suitcase
with plutonium warning fuck me red duct tape.
these are the confessions of a guitar junkie.
Tonight Hex Machine had our first rehearsal in
an industrial annex in ginter park, across the street
from where SlavePit Inc. used to be located.
This feels like home for rock. Tomorrow we
play a benefit hosted by WRIR Richmond Indie
Radio Station for the victims of Katrina.
Hopefully whatever money is made will
go to the right place and not to a dozen donuts.
I've had the components for awhile, but tonight
it really felt real. we had the sound. it was huge
and if there were insects nearby, we killed them.
twice. I think it took sixteen years to get here.
I feel like it's been worth it.
Dave the drummer is back in town. He's been
back, but a few days rest upon back is a worthwhile
investment. He'll play when he's ready. he's ready.
Everyone has tetherments and the schedules that go
with. I can deal. Tonight again proved that the flames
fan on. Godheads' was gigantic. The room is cinderblock,
yet very long and we're set up like show style, flanking either
side of the drums. For the most part I had the feeling like
we were playing to thousands. Our 35 minute set is
near without break and it felt good to play it twice.
Some heshers came in for their rehearsal and stood agape.
It's kinda weird cool to get 20+ q's about gear from
dudes who look like they should have this shit down, but...
you know what they say about looks.
They even came in while we were doing Wisteria,
a song in the ballpark of the melvins doing my bloody valentine
or actually eve and sistersound really comes to mind.
I was told our bass rig looked tough. it is bro. thanks.
I dropped melty off at the airport today to go to the wedding
jam in michigan rock city. I will miss her bigtime.
meanwhile, I will live out a rock and roll fantasy weekend.
and I will sleep late the next few days.
Dave is finding out that our would be label dude is a major
ass. Big surprise. he is gonna do a last record with one
of his former bands and get out of his contract. this is
both a bummer and a relief in that the label is big name,
but opens the door to a new start. coattails are fine
to some degree, but I feel this is something else and
not really 111% metal or whatev. I still feel like the talks we
had about recording with some dude in "his basement"
in chicago will still happen, I just have this feeling that people
are interested because we pay tribute and yet don't sound
like anything too obvious. no pigeonholes in sight.
stoked indeed.
melty, if you are out there in Ted Nugent land...hearts galore
and wish me luck, I'm going out with the boys.