20 questions.....open to all

Apr 25, 2006 23:10

okies, the options were:

20 questions
write fic

Sav vetoed bed.....i vetoed fic....that left

20 Questions

1) If you were a ghost, who would you want to haunt and why?

2) favorite snack food?

3) how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

4) favorite fic read?

5) If you could meet anyone thats dead, who would it be and why?

6) If the Civil War was waged today-- which side would you be on-- North or South?

7) favorite superhero?

8) In 20 years, will the USA still be the most influential nation in the world or will we have slipped due to our screwed up politicians and need to be so poilitically correct so as not to offend someone?

9) what's the one material posession you really couldnt live without?

10) If a giant meteor was headed on a collision course towards earth, and the end of the world was coming in 3 days, what would you do in the time remaining?

11) name the four food groups

12) how many songs are on your POD that you actually like?

13) what three songs that when you hear when you are driving, you just crank up the volume and go faster....?

14) least favorite color& why?

15) last dvd purchased?

16) what the price of gas have to rise to before you start driving something more economical than a chevy? *g*

17) whats the greatest 3 inventions of the last 100 years?

18) what do you consider as 'oldies' in music? give examples*g*

19) 3 most influencial moments/events that shaped who you are now?

20) most favorite holiday and why it is?

20 questions.....

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