sklfhasdjklh SCREW CAVITIES and besides Ginny'll help me out I think right there's gotta be some kinda wizardy magical cavities go away!! thingy, yeah?
HARD CANDIES. Like Jolly Ranchers?? fjaskl;dj Tell that to the dude below, he thinks candy corn is the best but I told him it was shit, only he didn't listen.
Yeah grape is ALWAYS gross what's up with that I don't get it it's like a rule or some shit that grape is CRAP but sometimes cherry's good like in Jolly Ranchers and Starbursts, y'know?
Maybe you need to calm down.
I really like hard candies. My least favorite would have to be candy corn; I hate the taste.
HARD CANDIES. Like Jolly Ranchers?? fjaskl;dj Tell that to the dude below, he thinks candy corn is the best but I told him it was shit, only he didn't listen.
Yeah, Jolly ranchers, Tootsie Pops, etc.
Well he can have all the candy corn because I'm definitely not going to eat it.
The bestbestbest Jolly Ranchers are the cherry ones HANDS DOWN well except for the watermelon ones, which're fucking AWESOME jdklasjfkdjl
I dunno if anyone else in the world likes candy corn!
I'm not positive about this, but Ed might. He likes all kinds of sweets.
Hey, take that up with him.
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