You ever have one of those times when you really, really, really wanna bite someone something. Anything. Like. Hard. But not to eat. Just to bite. ...Yeah, that.
... I totally just almost bit my sister in the arm, but she smacked me. ajksdhakjs AAAAAAAH. Going crazy here.
Okay. Meme. Distracting myself. askoldja.
The Alphabet Survey )
I like that you're not available. I like being more than a crush. ...I've uh never seen you cry so I mean...what happened. I've seen you take down flies before so I believe it plus you have some fucking fantastic aim. I don't mind if you're a taker because it's you. The ice cream thing sounds disgusting. I didn't know you liked craziness too. Didn't really know you were seriously worried about the demon thing either - is that new. The worry, not the...yeah.
And just. I guess. Look I'll level with you. I fucking love being with you. But I sort of. Well. Thought maybe you'd get bored again. I mean I know how fucking dependent I was and sorry about that. But in the back of my mind I've. In a way. I wasn't sure you wanted it to last. And I didn't want to like. Go overboard or something. So I guess what I've been saying is I've been holding back.
I mean I've fucking missed you and I just. Don't want to do something that ends up being all. I don't ( ... )
Of course I'm not available - I'm yours. You're so much more than a crush. ...I, um. Don't like crying around other people, but. I cried after y'know. We broke up. Back then. Ahah, taking down flies is an art. The ice cream is amazing! You've gotta try it. I love craziness. You're crazy. ...It's sort of new. Um.
I love you. Lots more than I thought I could love anyone. So. I want it to last. For a long, long time. I mean. It's been almost a year. And. ...You don't have to hold back. It's okay. I love you.
I like it every damn time you say that. So are you. ...oh. I sort of. Cried a lot during that time. I felt really pathetic about it. But anyway. ...I'll try the ice cream but if it's gross I'm spitting it out. Me too. I know. it. I just. ...nevermind.
...really. I know it's been a while. Fuck I wish I knew how to tell you how much I love you but I guess my vocabulary about that stuff kind of sucks. ...are you sure.
Fair enough about the ice cream. But you'll like it, I promise. ...You just...? Say what you wanna say.
It's okay. I get it. ...I'm sure. Very sure.
Do you. ...I fucking love it when you say stuff like that.
Yeah. I do. ...Ahah. Well, I try. ♥
I really do love you, Akaya. A whole fucking lot. ♥
I really love you, too. More than I know how to say. ♥
I feel fucking happy any time you're around. ♥
...I like that icon.
Everything's stupid and boring when you're not around. ♥
Ahah. I got a few new ones.
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