1.Whats your alias, age, location, and social security number?
alias- Frankie McGlory
age- I'm a youngin'. The wee age of 16
location- Houston, TX [yee-haaaawwww!]
SS number- I would tell you if I knew. Damn numbers are too hard to memorize.
2.Do you enjoy the company of members of the opposite sex? (if you don't, hey it's all gravy...we'd just like to know who we can hit on. ha.)
I enjoy company of members of the human species. I'm not picky.
3. What do you like to put in your ears? (music or otherwise)
*Mustard Plug
*Brand New
*Buck O Nine
*Billy Holiday
*Mighty Mighty Bosstones
4. What do you like to have in front of your eyes? (TV, movies, etc.)
*Plan 9 From Outer Space
*Rock'N'Rhyme Mother Goose
*Attack fo the Killer Tomatos
*my glasses
*drinking glasses
5. What's your opinion on politics? oh wait, we don't give a fuck. How good are you in bed?
Well.. I'm not too sure. I've heard while I sleep I twitch quite a bit. I tend to through throw people off the bed. Perhaps a little too violent for everyone's good.
6.Make me laugh. Right now. GO!
Why did the golfer need a new pair of shoes?
Because she got a hole in one. ::ba-dum-dum PA!::
hahahah. that's the best joke ever. Seriously.
7.Why are man holes round? give me an educated well developed paragraph.
I've read in 1956 man holes were actually square! Sadly, the square manholes had to be placed in at a certain angle to fit correctly. After the making of the rounded manholes, the tops were easier to place back where they were. Also, if you need to you could stick an umbrella over it, a car wheel, perhaps even an oversized mirror if you lose the cover!
8. Why do you want to be in this community?
Because I have no life. I like to tell people if they're lame or not. I like to promote, and this community seems rather dead.. so it may help you guys out a bit.
9. Also, is there anything else you'd like to say?
My eyes hurt.
10. Where did you hear of us?
_gorgeousness, I believe.
11. Now we want pictures. Give us some subtitles. NOW!
you guys are pretty demanding.
*box one* Lets look pretty, Bekka. We have to send this to Grandma.
*two* you look like a fish.
*three* NO! I have to look cute! TRY HARDER
*four* End set. Love ya' babe.
Maybe if I don't look at the camera it won't look at me
thank you for your time.