01. Opera Ghost - Erik/The Phantom Icons
sleeping__bud 02. Apollo's Lyre - Non-Animated Icons
madamtorsion 03. Falling Chandelier - Animated Icons
sleeping__bud 04. Red Death - Best Coloring
madamtorsion 05. Sweet Seduction - Shippy/Couple Icons
madamtorsion 06. Why So Silent? - Textless Icons
snafflebitink 07. Poor Fool - Funny Icons
quixotic-belle 08. Box Five - Best Cropping
jewelles2 09. Music of the Night - Lyrics/Quotes Icons (Lyrics and quotes from any source.)
eleidiel 10. Prima Donna - Actors/Actresses NOT in their Phantom roles
spikesbint 11. Down Once More - Sad/Emotional Icons
mysticalicons 12. Grinning Yellows - Happy Icons
spikesbint 13. Special Category - Final Threshold