
Aug 27, 2006 19:34

Congrats to the winners. :)

01. Opera Ghost (Erik Icons)

by lauralorien

02. Apollo's Lyre (Non-Animated Icons)

by _jollyholiday

03. Falling Chandelier (Animated Icons)

by spikesbint

04. Red Death (Best Colouring)

by desiderio

by nastey

05. Sweet Seduction (Couples Icons)

by her_glow

06. Why So Silent? (Textless Icons)

by millionsummers

07. Poor Fool (Funny Icons)

by madamtorsion

08. Box Five (Best Cropping)

by shortiegirl06

09. Music of the Night (Best Use of Lyrics/Quotes)

by garishlight

10. Prima Donna (Actor/Actress Icons)

by pixation

11. Down Once More (Sad Icons)

by ejp_icons

12. Grinning Yellows (Happy Icons)

by desiderio

13. Special Category - The Phantom of a Thousand Faces (1925/1929 Film Icons)

by snafflebitink

This round's special category is...
Nightmare at the Opera - 1989 Film Icons!

Remember, sessions are now one week long. You have until this Friday evening to get your nominations in.


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