
Jul 30, 2012 13:57


I really don't update this thing much anymore. Sorry. I haven't been doing much of anything besides sleeping and working (and riding the damn bus).
My class is finished though! I rather enjoyed it, and am very excited to take Archives 101 with Molly (my awesome prof) in the fall!
(Has anyone else noticed that I use a lot of exclamation points when I write? Because I do. And now you will notice too. It will drive you crazy. Just watch.)

I've been writing more of my Merlin/Arthur "Decoy Bride" fic today, and actually I'm having a lot of fun with it! Should probably re-watch the movie again. Because let's be honest - who DOESN'T want more Kelly MacDonald in their life?

My library has been invaded by a music ministry camp, which fair enough, they need a place to rehearse and stuff, but that means we have people singing outside the library doors ALL THE TIME. It's pretty for about twenty minutes, and then I contemplate clawing my eardrums out.

One of my lovely friends, who I've known since my freshman year of undergrad, is moving back to California tomorrow, so tonight is the big party for her. She's become like a sister. One of those people I can make fun of and they know it's just for fun. I will miss her. But I hope she's not reading this, because she'd never let me live it down.

Otherwise, nothing new.
Oh, I'm bored with the Olympics already, although the opening ceremonies was totally boss. Sports just isn't my thing. That's what books and movies are for!

Oh! Oh! I finished season 1 of Falling Skies. That show is great!! Too bad season 2 is still airing, so I have to wait forever to see it.

real life, fanfiction, falling skies, grumpy, merlin

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