So I acquired a cat...

Jun 07, 2012 19:13

The roomies and I (love them, btw) were taking the trash out yesterday, and we saw a cat in the yard next to ours, looking very ratty and beat up, with no collar or anything. So we took her in, brought her to the vet.
The facts are these:
We named her B'Elanna. (After the character from Star Trek: Voyager. Her full name is B'Elanna Honey Cumberqueen Torrez.)
She is an orange and white long haired cat, who now has a lion haircut since she had to get most of her hair shaved off due to mats and stuff. Poor baby. She looks a bit like Simba now. It's totally adorable.

So now we're going about looking for her owners. I've made signs to hang up around the neighborhood, posted an add on the humane society website,
I am very allergic to cats, so we really shouldn't keep her, but she's just so cuuuuuuuuute!! And I keep convincing myself "oh, if I just kept my bedroom door shut..."
Our second line of defense, if things get really rough, is my sister, who said she could take B'Elanna for a while. Bless her.
I really want to keep her, guys.
Really bad.

This is B, before she had to be shaved. Tell me you aren't in love with her fluffy little self.

i wants it precious

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