Inspiration hath returned!!

May 01, 2012 18:16

My inspiration! It came back! Oh happy day!
I've been pecking along at my Merlin Space plotbunny, given to me by the lovely and talented loaded_march, and it's actually going rather well! I have up to Merlin and Arthur's meeting planned, but I'm not entirely sure where to go beyond that, so expect a frantic "Oh crap! My plot bunny is drowning in the soup of chaos that makes up my brain!" Still. It's being kind, and I loves it. *snuggles*

Two more weeks to go till my semester is done! I am so damn excited. I also have a crap-ton to do between now and then, none of which I can find the drive to actually start, because reading/writing fanfiction and watching bad movies is much more fun. Still, I will prevail, then I've got a few weeks off till my summer class starts. A few weeks in which I will be moving. (Guess who hasn't started packing yet?) My landlord still hasn't given me the "you can move in on this date!" date yet, so I'm all up in arms about it. (Meaning I sort of look sad and pathetic and send him sporadic text messages.)

Guess who gets to go see Spring Awakening on Saturday? THIS GIRL!!
I have no idea what it's about, but my favoritest (and only) little brother is taking me out to dinner and then to the show for my birthday. (Oh god. My birthday is coming up. I'm going to be a quarter of a century old. WHERE IS TIME DISAPPEARING TO?)

Otherwise, things are swimming. Picking up extra shifts at work, hopefully it means I will be slightly broke-ass poor this month. (Hopefully.)

Tah for now, my lovelies! Another "one hundred things" entry coming up in a bit.

inspiration!, moving, homework sucks monkies

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