This was a pretty good week.
The apartment is still a mess, but I cleaned the kitchen (dirty again) and my roommate sort of attempted to clean the living room.
I also got a tattoo! I'll post pics when its all healed. Right now it's red around the edges. >> Need to get home so I can put ointment on it. Its of Pooh and Piglet floating on a balloon. My twin sister,
artsystrange got the same one. Because we're aaaaaaaaaaawesome.
And it hurt like a mother fucker, too. My first one, the butterfly on my back, did not hurt that bad, but this one seriously did. owwww.
The final Sherlock is this weekend! Reichenbach Fall! I may cry. In fact I WILL cry. Tears of horror and joy and sadness and oh, I am going to be so disappointed if they don't expand my John/Sherlock ship. Because they've been hinting at it so hard core! SO HARD CORE!
I'm also a little worried they may actually leave Sherlock dead, instead of bringing him back like Sir ACD did in the stories. I need more, people. This and Merlin have become my two biggest fandoms to stalk. (Why Merlin? It's a terrible show. It's just got such a fabulous homo-erotic subtext that my shipper brain tapdances.) (I've also become a horrible RPF-er. Should probably stop that, but it's just so much fun.)
Things with the Emily Program are going really well. I do two appointments a week, one with my therapist (Ryan, whose awesome) and one with my dietician (Lucy, who is also awesome.) Lucy has been giving me homework, which I dutifully follow, and Ryan listens to me rant. So... yeah. Therapeutic. I've become less paranoid about food, which is really nice.
Oh! and I might have a vein on nice housing for May/June when my lease is up! Right near St Kates! Must talk to the girls I am moving in with, see what they think.
Plans for this weekend:
-lunch with daddy
-appointment with Ryan
-go see Tin Tin/Beauty and the Beast in 3D (haven't decided which one yet)
-clean some more!! (I think I might watch Hound of the Baskervilles again, since it was so god damn awesome and scary.)
Love, love, and love some more!!
Keep good vibes open about jobs, too, people. I applied for one, but its part time and pays only a few dollars more than my current job, so I want more! More I tell you! (Why is the job search so hard?)