Ariel was good today.

Nov 06, 2011 21:13

Guys! This weekend has been surprisingly productive!

Nanowrimo is going well.  My story is... choppy, not very good, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with the characters, but I'm at 12k words! Which means I can take tonight off. (Which I have, because of productivity piece #2, which is...)

My presentation! I finished the power point! Remember my huge freakout? Yeah, that was dumb. I think I'll be just fine. I was just psyching myself up for nothing. But I won't jinx myself. The presentation is Tuesday. After that.. ITS GAY SEX NIGHT ON GLEE! Hold on to your knickers, Klaine fans.

Seriously, if they do a) a sex scene through song or b) a non-sexy fade to black, I will be PISSED. Everyone else has gotten super sexy make out scenes. Kurt and Blaine have kissed once. If they're gonna have sex, Glee, make it sexy. They are the only reason anyone watches the show anymore.

When this week is done, I will only have my website, and my presentation/paper thing for management to do. YES!! Don't ask me about the website though. Haven't even started it. Anyone good at writing code for teh internetz want to help me with this project so I don't fail? *cute eyes* I'll buy you a pizza!

I hope everyone is doing well! Haven't checked LJ in forever. Fails. Right now it seems to be eaten up by NaNo anyway. Good luck to everyone doing NNWM. You can do it! *pom pom wave*

Tah for now, darlings. Be good.

glee, homework, nanowrimo

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