And then I panicked.

Oct 28, 2011 10:18

I am starting to freak out. For so very many reasons.
Reason 1) I have a presentation due in two weeks, which I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED RESEARCHING. yes, I know. I suck. I am still worried.

Reason 2) I have to build a whole website by the middle of December. This damn internet class has so many freaking homework assignments, and I feel like I'm drowning.

Reason 3) NaNoWriMo starts in like 4 days. Now I am very excited for it. Writing feels damn good. I'm not worried about the time management portion. (Yet.) I'm worried about the actual story. My original concept got thrown out because I had noooooo idea what I was doing. Now I have a set of characters and a basic premise, but no idea what I should do to fill 50k words. My brain's default is "put an apocalypse in there!" Shut up, brain. Seriously. Zombies are not the answer for everything. But what should I do? Several different stories? Just keep writing no matter how disjointed or incoherent everything turns out to be? Give up?

Reason 4) The house. I have no frakking clue how to find a house to rent that's close enough to St Kates where I wouldn't need a car. Also, the number of people we're trying to squeeze into a tiny house just keeps growing. I don't want to live with a ton of people! I've got chaos in my life right now! I don't need more! *sadface*

I think I need a hug.

angst, arggh!, moving, nanowrimo

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