"As long as I get to be Tommy P..."

Sep 17, 2011 17:34

We started up Star Trek: Voyager parties again! Well, we watched about two episodes. But the sexual innuendoes were flying, and all the characters of that show fell back into their little whore-arific roles we've made for them. (I can not watch Star Trek: Voyager without cracking up anymore.) (Dear Lindsay: You will always be the B'Elanna to my Tommy P! <3)

Also: A rant on modern teen supernatural dramas.

All that seems to be coming out now in ANY medium is supernatural teen dramas. The awesome blog I follow, Forever Young Adult, did an awesome blog about a new show that's coming out on the CW, which is apparently about witches.
How many shows do we need to have, people? Supernatural teen lit has already choked the young adult publishing industry with it's really sad covers and even worse plots.
(Yes, Smeyer, I'm talking to YOU.)

I realize I am a bit bias, since I think the Twilight series sucked royal hippogriff. (Yes, I did actually read all of them. And see all the movies. One must know thine enemies, after all.) And I know they made a crap-ton of money. But do we really need to mimic it in everything?
It's all "skinny-naive-girls-meet-dangerous-boys-and-fall-in-love/make-out-alot", and everyone looks as if they shop at Urban Outfitters all the time. Attraction is supposed to be common place. Where's the tension? (Aside from just "I love you but I also want to eat you".) Where is the character development? Where's the fun romances?

I want a story where the girl and her hot but nerdy best friend stumble into vampires, who are total douches (because they are ALWAYS total douches) and then she ends up with the best friend in the end. Come on. You know that'd be adorable.

So yes. I won't be watching the new CW show about witches, because all the characters look exactly the same, and the hot guy makes a pass at the main character IN THE FIRST EPISODE. It's called sexual tension for a reason, people. You build up to it. (See: Spirited!)

(Side note: If you happen to know of any fun shows that are both supernatural and teen-oriented that don't royally suck, do let me know! I'm always on the lookout!)

I'm going to dye my hair tonight. Dark brown. My highlights have raged out of control and don't look very good anymore, so I wanna go back to one solid color. Dark solid color.

And that's all that's new in my life. What's new in yours?


tv shows, spirited, twilight, books

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